Those with history and technology know how to better manage R&D, the security, and sustainability of the process.
Those with history and technology know how to better manage R&D, the security, and sustainability of the process.
Sustainability from our Roots
In each of its products, BP Security has sustainable alternatives for responsible consumption, adhering, from the very first hour, to the FSC Chain of Custody (CoC), which is the path taken to bring products from the forest.
The methodology in the reuse of productive materials is one of the premises of BP Security’s environmental responsibility. Our paper scraps are reused for the production of more paper in the lines where the formulation allows the addition of recycled raw materials.

All the reuse in our production is of pre-consumption scraps where only the leftovers from internal production are added back to our recipes. As part of its commitment to ensure a sustainable production chain, BP Security has FSC certification, which guarantees that all the pulp used in our company comes from reforestation woods, making all our product lines certified and sold with an FSC statement and/or labeled with the FSC stamp (Forest Stewardship Council).
We have been paper specialists since 1889, with a wide range of solutions, high performance and quality. We export to more than 130 countries.